Melodía J. Parker

Writer based in Baltimore, Maryland.

As of January 2025, Melodía is writing:
Us Against Them


My name is Melodía J. Parker. I'm a writer, currently based in Baltimore, Maryland.I've been writing professionally since 1998.I'm a Gen X'er.I've been a vegetarian since 1997.I was born in a country that no longer exists.I speak English and Spanish fluently. I can speak some French.I could read and write in two languages by the time I was 3 years old. My love of reading and writing is truly lifelong.I have 4 college degrees:- 2 Associates of Applied Science     - Business Management     - Computer Information Systems- Bachelor of Science     - Anthropology and Sociology         - Concentration in Anthropology         - Minor in History- Master of Science     - Human Relations and Business         - Certification/Specialization in Change Management



TitleGenreRatingRelease DateMore Information
Us Against ThemDystopia, Horror, Historical Fiction, Political ThrillerMature/18+ only2025/2026Book Trailer
The HavenHorrorMature/18+ only2026-
A Collection of NightmaresHorror/Short Story CollectionMature/18+ only2026/2027-
Reflections of a Broken WomanPoetry CollectionGeneral2026/2027-
Johnny Saves BaseballChildrenEveryone2027/2028-
Naughty Stories to Tell After DarkErotica/Short Story CollectionMature/18+ only2027/2028-
TrappedHorrorMature/18+ only2028-
Leave the Past AloneScience FictionGeneral2028/2029-
